Advantages Of Palm-Based Decorative PU
- The palm-based decorative PU product could be moulded and painted to give a wood-like finishing.
- It provides no nutritional value to insects,impervious to moisture, dimensionally stable and virtually maintenance free.
- Lightweight palm-based decorative PU - applicable for applications, where heavyweight materials are unsuitable e.g. ceiling and wall decoratives.
- Palm-based decorative PU is more cost effective - faster demoulding time.
- The PU casting process allows one to achieve patterns and shapes at a price considerably less expensive than wood or wood-composite alternatives.
- Palm-based decorative PU offers comparable price as commercially available decorative products (GFRC and GFRG).
- Has sound absorption or acoustic property.
- The net effect leads to lower in installation, caulking and painting costs.
- Palm-based decorative PU product is made from renewable resource - help to reduce the dependence on fossil resource.
- Palm-based decorative PU has lower thermal conductivity value than petroleum-based products - better insulation property.
- Increase consumption of local materials - possibility to reduce foreign exchange.
- Increase country's earning - export of palm-based products for non-food applications.
- Value addition to basic oleochemicals.